Understanding The Difference Between A Wine Cooler and a Wine Cellar

Those who love wines know that the way your wine bottles are stored is just as important as the way they taste. In fact, what you drink from the bottle is heavily influenced by how they are kept. With the endless names and types of ways that your wines can be stored, deciding where and how your bottles should be kept can be a confusing process for you. However, in this newsletter, we break down the differences between a wine cooler vs. a wine cellar so that you can make a more informed decision and come to a conclusion about the type of wine storage that best serves your needs. Read on to find out more.

What Are Wine Coolers?

Wine coolers are refrigerators that allow the wine to be kept at a constant and ideal temperature. These constant temperatures ensure that the flavors and scent of the wine are not affected by the heat from the surroundings. Additionally, the cold will slow down the aging process so that your wine still tastes good. Wine coolers are different from wine cellars in that they have customized temperatures, which is optimal for people with smaller wine collections. Some wine coolers also are dual-zoned, which means that they can maintain two different temperatures – warmer temperatures for red wines and cooler temperatures for white wines.

What Are Wine Cellars?

Wine cellars help to create an entirely climate-controlled environment for those with a larger wine collection. This is often humid, which allows wines to age properly or allows them to be stored for a prolonged period. A wine cellar is superior to a wine cooler in that it provides greater space and also the humidity that wine collectors need to store larger collections of wine over a longer time.

Benefits Of Wine Coolers

  • Comes in a variety of prices
  • Can store a small collection
  • Can be kept in a convenient location for easier access
  • Stylish and can blend into your current home décor with great ease

Drawbacks Of Wine Coolers

  • Unsuitable for those with larger wine collections
  • Not ideal for long term storage
  • Does not allow for control of odor, vibration, or sunlight that can affect the quality of wine
  • Malfunctions can occur with temperature

Benefits Of Wine Cellars

  • Offering a fully climate-controlled environment
  • Beneficial for long term storage due to the humidity
  • Can accommodate collectors with a larger collection
  • There are many customization options available

Drawbacks Of Wine Cellars

  • Location is often not ideal, making it difficult to get easy access to your wines during parties
  • Expensive to build cellars
  • Maintenance of cellars is expensive, especially if your location is not naturally ideal

After considering the drawbacks and beneficial traits of each storage option, you can decide which option is better for you. Each individual has different needs and is a wine connoisseur to a varying extent, which is why deciding between a wine cooler and wine cellar depends entirely on your lifestyle needs. Contact us if you still need more assistance to decide!

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