Custom Wine Cellars: New Jersey Wine Cellar Styles

Many households in New Jersey consider adding a wine cellar to their property. And the trend is very much on custom wine cellars, and it’s growing too. Plus, getting a custom wine cellar in New Jersey is easier than you think.

Let’s dive into all aspects of custom wine cellars, what elements make a good custom-built wine cellar, plus current trends, and technology you can install, and answer other questions you might have.

One main question at the start is always about the style, so let’s start with that…

custom wine cellar

Custom wine cellar styling

Among other aspects, one main initial question is what style are you looking to achieve? This largely dictates the entire project of adding a custom wine cellar.

Various trends dictate the style of custom wine cellars in New Jersey. We can, however, distill this down to a few basic style categories.

  • Rustic/farmhouse-style
  • Contemporary/modern designs
  • Industrial/Metal or Glass designs
  • Traditional/Neutral styles

Depending on your preferences you can pick a style that fits best with the rest of your home or office. Or, you can get some professional advice on choosing the right style for your home.

Woodworking elements

Custom wine cellars utilize a combination of woodworking elements such as racks, cabinets, and shelves. You can choose from various kinds of wood like mahogany, cherry, or oak, depending on the style you are looking for.

The most popular wood for custom wine cellars tends to be Redwood because it provides stability in high-humidity environments.

Temperature control

Temperature control is an essential element of any custom wine cellar. You will want to make sure that the temperature of your wine cellar is kept at an optimal level for your particular wines.

A constant temperature between 55 and 58 degrees Fahrenheit will ensure that your wines mature properly, so you should do whatever you can to make sure this is maintained.

Installing insulation and using a temperature-controlled unit can be helpful.

For red wines, you’ll want a cooler temperature and for whites, you’ll need something a bit warmer. Striking the balance for these can be tricky!

With the help of modern technology, you can easily find the perfect temperature control system to ensure your wines age gracefully and remain in pristine condition.


Lighting is another key element of any custom wine cellar.

When installing a wine cellar, you will need to make sure it is properly lit (just enough) so that you can see what you are doing when mixing different vintages and choosing the perfect bottle to pair with a meal.

However, it’s important to keep your wine cellar in a low light to dark setting, as light can cause damage to the wines over time.

To help avoid this, make sure you install blackout curtains or blinds on any windows in the room and use dimmed lighting instead of bright overhead lights.

In modern trends, you can choose from LED lighting, track lighting, or other types that are perhaps more traditional such as ambient light fixtures to give your wine cellar a warm and inviting atmosphere.


Lastly, you will want to make sure that the humidity levels in your custom wine cellar are kept at an optimal level for storing and aging your favorite bottles of vino.

If the humidity is too low, the wine corks can dry up and cause oxidation which can ruin your wines. On the flip side, too much humidity can damage labels and even lead to mold growth in some cases.

By investing in a good-quality humidifier or dehumidifier, you can ensure that the humidity levels in your wine cellar are just right.

Equipment list round-up…

Whether you think you can undertake this task yourself, or would like professional help to achieve your dream custom-built wine cellar!

Here’s a summary of the list of equipment you will need to consider…

  • Humidifiers
  • Air conditioners
  • Temperature alarms
  • Light fixtures
  • Fans

All of these will help to keep your cellar in pristine condition. And also, be sure to equip your wine cellar with additional tools and accessories that you’ll need.

You might of course want to consider a high-tech gas-powered bottle opener, or perhaps a vintage original quality corkscrew. Plus consider specialized cleaning brushes and a hygrometer to help you monitor the humidity levels – if you don’t already have a built-in option.

Once you have all of your necessary safety and equipment measures in place, the fun begins! You can begin to stock up your cellar with all sorts of wonderful wines from different regions around the world.

How large should a custom wine cellar be?

The answer to this question really depends on how many bottles of wine you own or intend to purchase in the future.

Generally speaking, a custom wine cellar should have enough space to comfortably store your collection – while allowing room for growth. Because of course, every wine connoisseur has a habit of increasing their collection over time!

If you’re unsure of what size will work best for your needs, consider consulting with a professional wine cellar designer.

Where to put your custom-built wine cellar

In terms of where a wine cellar can be placed in the house, many homes in New Jersey have cellars already, or modern basements, so the basement is often the most common choice.

A cellar or basement offers a cool, dark space that’s ideal for storing wine in optimum conditions.

However, if you don’t have a basement or want to install your custom cellar somewhere else, there are other options such as closets, alcoves, free-standing structures or even some wonderful under stairs designs!

Another option is a simple wine rack that can fit within certain spaces. For example you can opt for a 44 bottle rack set up.

Does a wine cellar increase home value?

Adding a custom-built wine cellar to your home will definitely increase its value and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

This is especially true if you live in an upscale neighborhood or market in New Jersey, as having a luxurious, high-end wine cellar can add prestige and financial value to your property.

Furthermore, depending on the time and effort you put into building it, your wine cellar can become a beautiful and interesting feature that will make your home stand out from other properties.

Adding a custom-built wine cellar in your home can be an excellent investment for both financial gain as well as providing you with a unique and enjoyable atmosphere to enjoy your favorite wines.

It’s an investment, and investing in a wine cellar is an excellent way to add value to your home, both financially and aesthetically. Moreover, it is sure to bring years of pleasure and enjoyment. So just start the process of getting your own wine cellar today.

Should I build my own wine cellar?

This might sound like a great idea. But often your dream of building your own wine cellar can fail to live up to expectations – especially if you are lacking the craftsmanship skills and the knowledge – not to mention simply having the time!

Building your own wine cellar is a much bigger undertaking than you might think. With the best will in the world, the project often doesn’t turn out quite as you envisaged.

Often these projects can take years when they’re only worked on for a few hours here and there, they often go over budget, and getting the space to look right, and operate correctly can often be an ongoing challenge.

So consider getting professionals to undertake the job for you. It will save you time …and potentially money. And more importantly, you’ll end up with a fully functioning, professional-looking wine space fit for keeping your precious wine collection …and even creating an additional social space!

If you really do want to build your own, and you’re starting from scratch, then here’s how to build your own custom wine cellar.

Custom wine cellar New Jersey – Next Steps

Once it’s fully equipped and stocked with your favorite bottles of vino, you can bask in the glory of having a beautiful, well-maintained wine cellar.

Not only will it protect your bottles from damage and help them to retain their flavor, but it can also make a stylish addition to any home decor.

Plus, having a personalized place where you can store your favorites and experiment with new wines is always fun! So don’t wait any longer – get in touch with us here.