Are Metal Wine Racks Still in Style? These Metal Racks Are!

Considering ideas for a wine cellar can be a great time, but it does come with its headaches. There are traditional cellars, space-saving wine racks, modern white clean cellars, or more industrial metal types of wine cellars. For the latter, are metal wine cellars still in style?

As professional suppliers of wine racks and wine cellar equipment, for homes, restaurants, hotels, and other establishments, we’ve got the answers covered here in this blog post.

Here’s a quick answer to the question which should provide an overview, and then we’ll get into more details…

Yes, metal wine racks are still very much in style. This is because of the modern industrial look that they provide; a minimalist but stylish approach to storing bottles of wine. Metal racks come in a wide range of styles and materials, such as copper, stainless steel, or brass.

That’s the brief answer, but there are more nuances to go through that you need to consider if you want to store your wine collection at home, or in a business setting. Or, you can get help on the type and style that suits your needs by just contacting us here.

metal wine racks

Are metal wine racks still in style?

As well as definitely still being in style, metal wine racks can also be tailored to your individual needs by having custom fittings and finishes incorporated.


In addition to their aesthetic appeal, metal wine racks are also known for their strength and durability.


Most come with a powder-coating finish that helps protect the metal from corrosion and rust. Furthermore, they are typically easy to install on any wall – no screws or nails are required!


This makes them ideal for both commercial and residential wine storage.


Finally, we mentioned that metal racks can be customized to your exact requirements. Adopting this approach means you can end up with a wine rack that fits your spaces perfectly, custom fitted and styled. Spaces can be tailored to incorporate a floor-to-ceiling metal wine rack or wall-mounted metal wine racks.


This ensures that the rack will perfectly suit both your existing décor and maximize space.


Not only does this give you much more flexibility when it comes to wine storage, but it also allows you to create a truly unique and personalized look in your home or business.


The ability to customize the rack means that you can make use of every available space while still being aesthetically pleasing. All in all, metal racks are an ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable and stylish storage solution.

modern wine cellar

Metal wine cellars vs wooden wine cellars

The choice between metal wine cellars and wooden wine cellars ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Metal racks offer a more industrial and sleek modern feel, whereas wooden racks offer a classic aesthetic that lends itself well to traditional décor.

Whilst both types of wine cellar racks will adequately store your collection for many years, metal racks will generally last longer and withstand any wear and tear.

Wood cellars do require more maintenance over time to ensure that the wood remains in good condition for many years. However, there is something attractive about rustic-style wine cellars that show years of evolving character.

Ultimately it comes down to what your needs are, as both options offer a great way of storing your wine collection. Here’s more information in our post on how to choose the perfect wine rack.

That’s something for you to think about, but perhaps we can put these down in a more official pros and cons list for you.


Pros and cons of metal vs wood wine cellar

Let’s dive into the pros and cons list for you to consider when choosing between a wooden or metal wine rack:

Pros of Wooden Wine Racks

  • A traditional look that adds elegance to the cellar.
  • Can be customized in style and size.
  • Can be tailored to fit any space.

Cons of Wooden Wine Racks

  • May require maintenance and upkeep after a number of years.
  • The type, quality, and cost of wood vary between manufacturers.

Pros of Metal Wine Racks

  • A long-lasting and durable solution that can withstand wear and tear.
  • Easy to clean, maintain, and assemble.
  • Can be customized in style and size for a modern look.
  • Generally more space-saving than wooden wine racks

Cons of Metal Wine Racks

  • Not as aesthetically pleasing as wood racks, with limited customization options.
  • May rust if exposed to moisture for prolonged periods.
  • Quality varies between manufacturers, affecting the durability and sturdiness of the rack.
  • Can be expensive compared to other materials.

Overall, metal wine racks are a good option if you’re looking for a durable and long-lasting solution that is easy to clean and maintain.

However, they may be more expensive than wood or plastic options. But metal wine racks can help keep your bottles safe and organized for years to come.

Options for metal wine cellars

We’ll go through the three main types of metal wine cellars… Metal wine racks, wine pegs, and cable wine racks – which also include hanging wire type of racks.

Metal wine racks:

These are the most common type of metal wine cellars. They come in various shapes, sizes, and styles.

They can be placed on the floor or mounted to a wall. Once fitted they are solid, and the advantage of metal racks is that they provide a durable and stable storage solution for your wines.

Wine pegs:

These are small metal rods that can be attached to a wall or door, this system, like our VINdustry wine pegs, allows you to store your wine bottles horizontally against the wall.

They’re often used in smaller spaces, as they don’t take up much room. They are the height of ultra-minimalist and ultra-modern design …and a collection of wine pegs across a wall can create quite a setting for your wine collection.

Cable wine racks:

These are flexible and lightweight, making them ideal for tight spaces. They consist of thin metal wires that can be mounted from floor to ceiling.

The advantage of these racks is that they can easily be adjusted to fit the size and shape of your bottles. They may not be as secure or durable as other types of wine racks, but they look incredible once they’re installed. It’s definitely a show-stopper of an installation.

Cable wine systems are similar to cable win racks, and can include various features such as angled displays and/or floating shelves.

Finally, another variation of the above options is the fusion wine panel, these incorporate both the wine rack system, coupled with the wine peg system.

Getting a custom metal wine cellar…

If you’re looking for a more upscale and secure storage solution, then getting a custom metal wine cellar might be the best way to go.

These cellars can be built based on your exact space available and designed from the ground up to protect your wine collection from humidity, temperature fluctuations, and other environmental factors.

Are metal wine racks still in style? – Summing up

We hope this has answered the question – are metal wine racks still in style?

Metal wine racks are great for those looking to create a slick, modern, or industrial look in their home, hotel, or restaurant.

They’re also usually durable and secure, making them a great option if you want something that will last. We also design, build, and supply wooden wine racks too, so no matter your style or preference, we can help you find one that suits your needs!